PCI Scanning
PCI Scanning services in Web Inspector is a fully configurable vulnerability assessment and reporting service for networks and web servers. Our remote audits run over 28,000 individual security tests on your organization's servers then provide expert advice to help you fix any vulnerabilities.
Because Comodo is PCI Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV), our 'Web Inspector Scan Control Center' range provides everything a merchant needs to become compliant with the PCI vulnerability scanning guidelines.
The PCI Scan Compliancy Service is an on-demand, vulnerability assessment scanning solution to enable merchants and service providers to achieve PCI scan compliance.
After each scan, users receive a comprehensive vulnerability report detailing any security issues alongside remediation advice and advisories to help fix them.
Following a successful scan (no vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score greater than 4.0), merchants are provided with an official PCI compliance report that can be sent to an acquiring bank.
WI PCI also offers a web-based Internal Scanning feature to run vulnerability scans on the individual devices connected to your network and protected by a firewall or other network security devices.