Comodo Secure Box – Introduction
Comodo SecureBox (CSB) protects applications by isolating them inside a heavily-protected, fully functioning container within an endpoint operating system. Unlike a traditional sandbox which is used to house potentially hostile files, SecureBox protects the application itself and treats all outside processes as hostile. By isolating critical applications from other running processes, Comodo SecureBox prevents data exfiltration, remote takeover, keylogging, SSL sniffing, memory scraping and zero-day malware.
Secure applications can only be deployed to endpoints after the endpoints have been enrolled to the Central Management Console (CMC). This can be done in 4 ways – via Active Directory, Work Group, network address and by email invitation. The first three methods will automatically install CSB on endpoints. The last method, email invitation, requires the end-user (or an administrator) to install the CSB agent on the endpoint.
This guide explains how to install CSB (using the email method) and how to use Secure Box applications.
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