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...Uninstalling Comodo GeekBuddy To uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy: Click Start > Settings > Control Panel In the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs In the list of currently installed programs, click Comodo GeekBuddy Click the 'Change/Remove' button. Or Click Start > All Programs > Comodo > Comodo BackUp > Uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy The un-installation wizard will start and the un-installation... Uninstalling Comodo GeekBuddy To uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy Open the Windows 'Control Panel' then open 'Programs And Features' ('Add/Remove Programs' in older versions of Windows). From the list of currently installed programs, Select 'GeekBuddy ' and click 'Uninstall' at the top. A confirmation dialog will be displayed: Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstall ... Uninstaller Tool Note. This tool should only be used if you are having difficulties removing Comodo products using the traditional 'Add/Remove' programs method. Users who simply wish to uninstall are strongly advised to remove the product via the Windows control panel: Type 'Add/Remove Programs' into the Windows search box Windows 10 – The search box is pinned to the task... Uninstalling Comodo GeekBuddy To uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy Open the Windows 'Control Panel' then open 'Programs And Features' ('Add/Remove Programs' in older versions of Windows). From the list of currently installed programs, Select 'GeekBuddy' and click 'Uninstall' at the top. A confirmation dialog will be displayed: Click 'Yes' to confirm the uninstall ... Uninstalling Comodo GeekBuddy To uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy Click Start > Control Panel In the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs In the list of currently installed programs, click GeekBuddy Click the 'Change/Remove' button. Click 'Yes' to confirm uninstallation. The progress of GeekBuddy removal will be displayed... ---and after a few minutes the uninstallation will be complete.... Uninstalling Comodo GeekBuddy To uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy Click Start > Control Panel In the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs In the list of currently installed programs, click GeekBuddy Click the 'Change/Remove' button. Click 'Yes' to confirm uninstallation. The progress of GeekBuddy removal will be displayed... ---and after a few minutes the uninstallation will be complete.... Comodo Dragon Web Browser Click 'Start' > 'Settings' > 'Control Panel' In the 'Control Panel', select 'Programs and Features', double-click 'Uninstall/Change' In the list of currently installed programs, click 'Comodo Dragon' Click the ''Uninstall/Change' button OR Click Start > All Programs > COMODO > Comodo Dragon > right-click to select 'Uninstall'. In the 'Programs and Features... Uninstall Comodo GeekBuddy Open Windows settings then 'Apps' > 'Apps and Features' OR Type 'Add Remove Programs' into Windows search Select 'GeekBuddy' from the list of currently installed programs then click 'Uninstall': The application will be removed from your system. ... Anti-Theft account? How do uninstall Comodo Anti-Theft? I forgot my Comodo Anti-Theft password. How can I login? What is PIN code? How do find my phone? Login to your account at from another device or computer Tap the 'Devices' link on the left and choose your lost device The location of the device will... CCAV To remove Comodo Cloud Antivirus: Open the Windows control panel then open 'Programs and Features' (or 'Add/Remove Programs' on older versions of Windows) Select 'Comodo Cloud Antivirus' in the list of programs Click 'Uninstall' The uninstall wizard will start. Click 'Uninstall' to remove the program: Please provide us with valuable feedback by specifying the reason that you are uninstalling...