Xcitium Verdict Cloud Analysis Results
Files with a trust rating of 'Unknown' are automatically uploaded to Verdict Cloud for analysis.
The service examines each file with a battery of dynamic and static tests in order to establish the file's trust rating. If required, files undergo further analysis by human experts.
Verdict Cloud's automated and human tests will produce a verdict of 'Clean' or 'Malicious' which is returned to the THAT interface.
You can view overall scan results in the THAT interface.
Click 'Detailed Scan Results' to login at https://verdict.xcitium.com and view the full results Verdict Cloud tests on your unknown files.
You can login with your Xcitium username and password.
You will be taken to the Verdict Cloud site showing the full details at https://verdict.xcitium.com
Previous Scan Results
To view full Verdict Cloud scan results of the past scans of unknown files, click 'Detailed Results' link beside the row.
You will be taken to the Verdict Cloud site showing the full details at https://verdict.xcitium.com
If you have not logged in to your Verdict Cloud account, the scan results for the clicked item will be shown:
- Click 'Sign in' at the top-right. Verdict Cloud home page with details of all files uploaded by all customers will be displayed:
- Click ‘Sign in’ at the top-right of the Verdict Cloud home page
- Xcitium customers can use their credentials to login.
- If you do not have an account, click the 'Create an account' link, provide the required details and sign up for an account, which is free.
- If you already have a Verdict Cloud account, enter the credentials, and click the 'Sign In' button.
The 'Dashboard' page will be displayed by default
If you are already logged into your Verdict Cloud account, clicking the 'Detailed Scan Results' in the 'Current Scan' page or 'Detailed Results' link in the 'Previous Scans' page will open the results page of the respective link.
You can navigate to different pages of the website by clicking your account name on the top right side of the page.
Alternatively, you can navigate to different pages from the left side menu of the home page:
See our dedicated Cloud Verdict guide at https://help.comodo.com/topic-397-1-773-9567-Valkyrie-Analysis-Results.html for more information.