CIS Pro - Installation and Activation
- Before beginning installation, please ensure you have removed any other antivirus and firewall products that from your computer.
- CIS Pro includes Dragon Browser, Secure Shopping, Internet Security Essentials and the Comodo Guarantee.
- Purchase a license for CIS Pro from
- Next, download the setup file from the same page.
- Click 'Download Trial' to save the installation package
- After saving, run the setup
to start the installation wizard.
Step 1 - Choose the Interface Language and Installation Options
- Select the language - Choose the language you want to see in the interface from the drop-down. CIS Pro is available in multiple languages
EULA - Click the links at the bottom of the screen to view the end user license agreement and privacy policy:
- Click 'Close' to return to the installation after reading the agreements
- Click the 'Options' button to configure installation path, CIS components, and other general settings:
- Installation Directory – Click 'Browse' to change the CIS installation folder. The default path is C:/Program Files/COMODO/COMODO Internet Security.
- Import Google Chrome settings (history, bookmarks, cookies, browser cache, etc.) to Comodo Dragon browser – Comodo Dragon is a fast and versatile internet browser based on Chromium and infused with Comodo's unparalleled level of security. Dragon is installed with CIS by default.
- Select this option to automatically import your bookmarks, history and other data from Google Chrome to Comodo Dragon.
- Show Widget on Desktop at startup – The widget is a handy desktop control that lets you quickly launch CIS tasks and your browsers, and contains information about your security status.

- Select this option if you want the widget to be shown automatically on your desktop
- You can enable or disable the widget later by right-clicking on the CIS system icon after installation.
The components tab lets you select which features you want to install:
- COMODO Internet Security - Installs the antivirus scanner, firewall, HIPS, Containment and VirusScope components. Installing CIS is mandatory to qualify for the virus free guarantee, hence you cannot deselect this option.
- COMODO Dragon Web Browser - Installs Dragon, a fast and versatile internet browser based on Chromium technology and infused with Comodo's unparalleled level of security. See Dragon Browser for more details.
- COMODO Secure Shopping - Comodo Secure Shopping creates a secure, threat-resistant tunnel between your browser and your target website. See Comodo Secure Shopping for more details.
- Internet Security Essentials – Installs Internet Security Essentials, an application that protects you from the man-in-the-middle attacks while using the internet for services such as online banking and so on. See Comodo Internet Security Essentials for more details.
- Click 'Close' when you are satisfied with your settings.
- Click 'Accept and Install' in the 'Welcome' screen to begin installation.
Step 2 - Installation Progress
The selected components will be installed:
Step 3 – Finalization
The last step is to set some CIS options:
Change my DNS provider to COMODO Secure DNS
- This option points your DNS settings to Comodo Secure DNS servers. The change means your DNS requests are resolved through Comodo's proprietary Directory Services Platform.
- Comodo's worldwide network of redundant DNS servers provide fast and secure internet browsing without any hardware or software installation. The service also protects you by blocking access to malicious sites.
- You can revert to your original settings at any time after installation if required. See Appendix 2 Comodo Secure DNS Service for more details on how to configure Comodo Secure DNS.
- The 'What is this' link has more information about Comodo Secure DNS.
'Cloud Based Behavior Analysis' of untrusted files
- CIS submits any file with an 'unknown' trust-rating to Comodo for behavior analysis.
- The unknown files are subjected to a range of tests to determine whether they are safe or malicious.
- The results are sent back to your computer in around 15 minutes. Comodo recommends users leave this setting enabled.
anonymous program usage statistics
will send anonymous crash and usage data to Comodo. This
data helps us identify the areas of the program which need to be
improved. Your privacy is
protected because all data is anonymized and sent over a secure and
encrypted channel. Disable this option if you do not want to send
usage details. You can also change this setting later in the Log
Settings interface.
Set Comodo Dragon as default browser
- Use Comodo Dragon as the default to open web-pages
'Finish' to complete the installation.
Once setup is complete, the application runs a virus scan on your computer. The scan covers critical areas of your computer, system memory, autorun entries, hidden services and boot sectors. The virus database will be updated automatically prior to the scan.
- Click 'Send to Background' to make the task consumer fewer resources. Background tasks can be viewed in the 'Task Manager' interface.
- Click 'Stop' If you do not want the scan to continue at this time.
- Results will appear at the end of the scan. The results show the number of objects scanned and any identified threats:
- Select 'Clean' from the drop-down at top-right and click 'Apply Selected Actions' to remove all threats from your computer. See 'Process Infected Files' if you need more help.
Step 4 - Select your location
Select your location so that the firewall can apply the correct settings for your connection. The top of the dialog shows whether you are using a wired or wireless connection:
- Select 'Do not detect new networks again' if you are an experienced user that wishes to manually set-up their network. This can be done in 'Network Zones' and through the 'Stealth Ports Wizard'.
Step 5 - Restart Your System
Your computer needs to be restarted in order to finalize installation:
- If you want to restart your computer immediately, save all your work and click 'Restart Now'.
- If you want to restart the computer at a later time, select a period from the drop-down and click 'Postpone'
Step 6 - After Restarting Your System
A welcome screen appears immediately after restart. This summarizes the components you have installed and offers advice on using the product. You can also a purchase license key from this screen if you have not done so already.
- Do not show this window again – The welcome screen will not be shown the next time you restart.
The CIS main interface will open in the background:
Note: After installation, you need to
activate your CIS Pro license.