How to Manage your Quarantined Mails
All spam, phishing and suspicious emails sent to your mailbox are quarantined by Xcitium Secure Email Gateway. The quarantine interface allows you to manage those mails. You can read and even download attachments from them if you are sure they are safe.
There are two ways you can view quarantined mails:
All spam or mails containing malicious content or attachments are moved to quarantine. The notification mail has a link that allows you to view the message.
- Click the shield logo at the top of the mail to open the XSEG login page.
- If your admin has enabled auto-login for your domain, the mail will also contain links to request release, whitelist/blacklist the sender, or delete the mail from quarantine.
The quarantine area lets you view all your quarantined emails. From this interface you can:
- Request your administrator to release quarantined emails.
- Add senders to the whitelist or blacklist.
- Delete spam mails as required.
Note: Please contact your administrator if you are not able to view your mails. |
Tip: You can configure XSEG to send you regular
reports of all your quarantined emails. See How to Subscribe for Periodical Quarantine Report Summary for more help with this. |
Open the quarantined interface
- Login to XSEG
- Click 'Incoming' on the left then 'Quarantine'
- Alternatively, click the 'Quarantine' button at the top.
The quarantine interface contains details about each mail:
- More Actions - Request that the mail is released from quarantine, or that the sender is added to the blacklist or whitelist.
- Show messages for all aliases - By default, the list only shows mails sent to your primary email address. Select this option to view messages sent to all your mailboxes.
From this
interface you can:
Click 'Filters' to search for particular email. See 'How to use filters' topic for more details.
The mails added to the Quarantine can be viewed in two ways:
Note: The administrator of your email account should have enabled this feature for you. If this is enabled, the 'Show message' button will be available in the interface. |
View quarantined mails in the same XSEG window
- Select the mail that you want to view and click the 'Show Message' button.
- Click on the email link in the subject column that you want to view its details.
The selected mail opens:
By default, the email opens in plain text, so images, banners and links are not be displayed.
- Click 'Html source' to view the source code of the mail.
- Click the 'Original View' tab. to view the mail with images and links
A warning is displayed before you view the selected email in original.
- Click 'OK' to view the email.
Check the details of the mail and ascertain whether it is a spam mail or not. You can choose to either release the email or to add the sender to whtelist or blacklist.
If there is an attachment, you can download it from this dialog.
- Select the attachment and click 'Download' or 'Download with Containment'
- Download – You can save the file / attachment as original.
- Download with Containment - Containment is a technology whereby attachments with an 'unknown' trust rating are run inside a secure, sandbox environment. You can open and run the file as normal, but it is prevented from making potentially damaging changes to your computer.
'Download with containment' is only available if enabled by your administrator.
- 'All headers' tab – Email headers contain information about the route taken by the mail before it reached your mailbox. This lets you check the authenticity of the mail:

- To download the email as a HTML file, click 'Download' message.
View a quarantined mail in a new window
- Right-click on the subject line of the mail you want to view and choose to open in a new tab or new window from the context sensitive menu.
Your browser may display a warning pop-up window notification. Click 'Options'> then select 'Allow pop-ups for...' to allow the message to open in a new window. Click 'Show message in new window' again.

The details of the selected mail will be displayed in a new XSEG window.
Request administrator for releasing quarantined mails
After checking that the selected email is not spam, you can request your admin release the email.
Note: Depending on the permission level configured for your email account by your administrator, the button for releasing quarantined email will be either 'Release' or 'Request release' in the 'More actions' drop-down button. If the interface displays 'Release' button, you can release the selected email from the list without approval from your administrator. |
- Select the mail that you want to be released and click 'More actions' > 'Request Release'
An email notification is sent to your administrator for your request and you will also receive the request email. This request is also displayed in the 'Action' column of the users' Quarantined interface. If the administrator accepts the request, the user receives the email and if it is rejected, 'Release' icon in the action column is no longer displayed.
- Click 'More actions' then 'Cancel request' to cancel the request.
Request administrator to add senders to blacklist
To avoid receiving spam emails, you can request the administrator to add the senders of these emails to blacklist.
Note: Depending on the permission level configured for your email account by your administrator, the button for adding senders to blacklist will be 'Blacklist this Sender' or 'Request blacklist' in the 'More actions' drop-down button. If the interface displays 'Blacklist this Sender' button, you can add the sender to blacklist without approval from your administrator. |
- Click 'More actions' then 'Cancel request' to cancel the request before the administrator accept the request
A notification is sent to your administrator for your request and you will also receive the request email. This request is also displayed in the 'Action' column of the users' Quarantined interface.
- If your administrator accepts the request, the sender will be added to blacklist and you will no longer receive any mail from that sender.
- If the request is rejected, the 'Blacklist this Sender' icon in the 'Action' column will no be longer be displayed.
- Senders added to blacklist are displayed in the 'Manage blacklist senders' interface. See Manage Blacklisted Senders for more details.
- To cancel the request before the administrator accept the request, choose the mail > click 'More actions' then 'Cancel request'.
Request administrator to add senders to whitelist
If mail from a sender that you trust gets quarantined, you can request your administrator to add the sender to the whitelist.
Note: Depending on permissions set by your administrator, the link in the 'More Actions' drop-down will either be 'Whitelist this Sender' or 'Request whitelist'. If the interface displays 'Whitelist this Sender' button, you can add the sender to whitelist without approval from your administrator. |
- Select the mail that you want its sender to be added to whitelist and click 'More actions' > 'Request Whitelist'
Your request is sent to your administrator. You also will also receive the request email.
This request is also shown in the 'Action' column of the users' 'Quarantined' interface.
- If the administrator accepts the request, the sender is added to whitelist and the mails from them are no longer quarantined.
- If the request is rejected, 'Whitelist this Sender' icon in the action column is no longer displayed.
- Click 'More actions' then 'Cancel request' to cancel the request.