Ticket Details
The ticket details screen lets you review, respond and take actions on a ticket.
- Click 'Tickets' > 'Open' (...or select a different ticket category as required)
- Click on the number of the ticket you want to open
Each ticket contains the following sections. Click the links to jump to the section you need help with:
- Title
bar - Shows basic ticket details and
contains controls to manage the ticket.
- Ticket Information - General details about the ticket.
- Ticket Workflow- Appears only for multi-stage tickets. Displays the status of successive stages of the ticket.
- Ticket Actions - Take various actions on the ticket - post replies and notes, record time spent, assign the ticket, generate quotes for materials and more.
- History - A list of ticket activities.
- Material Details - Billable materials and expense items added to the ticket
- Time Spent - Time spent working on the ticket by all contributing staff members. This includes time recorded automatically during each service session, and manually added time. The table also shows how much of the time is billable.
- Staff - View staff members associated with the ticket and add new staff.
Tickets can be single stage or multi-stage depending on the ticket category to which the ticket belongs.
- Single stage ticket - Can be closed by the department/staff member to whom it was assigned. You can configure this in 'Admin Panel' > 'Manage' > 'Ticket Categories'.
- Multi-stage tickets - Will be automatically assigned to a specific department or staff member after each stage is closed. Multi-stage tickets are suited to more complex issues which require input from more than one department. See Ticket Categories in the online admin guide for more details.
Click the following links to find out more:
- Process - Quick edit feature. Reassign the ticket, update ticket details, change due-date, add collaborators.
- Remote Control - Make a remote desktop connection to the device that generated the ticket. Only available for tickets auto-generated by the Endpoint Manager module.
- Materials - Add billable items and expenses which were used to resolve the ticket.
- Schedule - Create a new ticket schedule or modify the existing schedule.
- Create a Knowledgebase article – Use the ticket and responses as the basis of a new support article.
- Change the ticket owner – Ticket owner = End user who submitted the ticket, or on whose behalf the ticket was created.
- Claim a ticket – Assign the ticket to yourself.
- Manage forms - Add forms to a ticket to request more information. Once added, the form can be completed by a staff member in the ticket edit screen, or by the user in the web portal.
The 'Process' feature lets you quickly reassign a ticket, change ticket details and more.
Tip: You can also process a ticket without opening it. See Process a Ticket in Manage Tickets for more details. |
To process a ticket
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'My Tickets', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Process' button at the top
The 'Process Ticket' pane appears.
User Information
- User name: The person who submitted the ticket, or on whose behalf the ticket was created by a staff member. This is pre-populated. Click 'Change' to select a different user.
- Issue Summary: Brief description of the issue. Update if required.
- Issue Description: Ticket description provided by the creator of the ticket. This is not editable.
Ticket Information
- Ticket Source: The channel through which the ticket was created. The possible values are 'Phone', 'Email', 'Web', 'API' and 'Other'. This is pre-populated and can be updated if required
- Category: The help topic under which this ticket falls. This is pre-populated and can be updated if required. See the online help page for 'Ticket Categories' in the admin guide for more details.
- Sub Category: Specific issue type as chosen by the person who created the ticket. For example, 'Overheating' may be a sub-category of 'Problem'.
- Department: The department to which to the ticket is currently assigned. This is pre-populated and can be updated if required. Departments are created and managed by the admins through the Admin panel. See the online help page for 'Departments' in the admin guide for more details.
- SLA Plan: The service level plan associated with the ticket. Use the drop-down menu to change the plan if required. The option chosen here will prevail even if the SLA plan for the 'Ticket Category' and 'Department' is different.
- Time Spent: Cumulative time spent on the ticket by all contributing staff members. This total includes time recorded automatically during service sessions and time manually added by administrators/staff.
- Due Date: The date and time by which the ticket should be closed. Change the date and time if required. This will override the date generated by default.
- Resolution: A description of the fix/solution. Alternatively, this may contain a description of the steps taken so far, and those that remain, in order to bring about a fix. This is set by the staff member attending to the ticket. Change the resolution if required.
Assign the Ticket
- Assignee: Person who is currently responsible for the ticket. You can change the assigned staff member if required.
- Comments: Enter instructions for the assignee or reasons for the assignment.
A collaborator is a person, other than the assigned staff-member, who also works on a ticket. Collaborators will receive notifications when the ticket is updated.
- Click 'Add New Collaborator' to associate new or existing users with the ticket.

To add an existing user or staff member:
- Type the first few letters of their username/email address in the 'Search' box and select the user from the options
To add a new user:
- Enter their full name, email address and other details
- Click 'Add User'
- Repeat the processes above to add more collaborators.
- Click the 'Process' button after you have made your changes. The ticket will be updated per the new details.
Take Remote Control of Windows Endpoint
Remote control allows you to make a remote desktop connection to the Windows or MAC device which generated a ticket. This helps staff solve issues, install third party software, or run system maintenance.
- 'Remote Control' is available only for tickets generated by Endpoint Manager (EM).
- There are two ways in which EM can add tickets to Service Desk:
- Automatic - EM can monitor endpoints and generate a ticket if certain conditions are met. For example, generate a ticket if RAM usage exceeds 90%.
- Manual - Endpoint users can right-click on the EM tray icon and submit a ticket:

- Admins and staff need to install 'Remote Control by ITarian' on their local computers (the computer they use to log into Service Desk).
- You will be offered the opportunity to install this software when you attempt to takeover an endpoint for the first time.
- Once installed, you can take control of the endpoint from the ticket.
- The viewer also supports clip-board sharing so you can copy files between your computer and the endpoint.
- You can also use key combinations such as 'Ctrl+Alt+Del', 'Alt+F4', 'Ctrl+C' on the remote machine (Windows devices only).
- If the managed endpoint has a multi-monitor setup, you can view individual monitors or all monitors at once.
See the following sections for more help:
Download and install Remote Control application
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'My Tickets', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Remote Control' button
Reminder: The 'Remote Control' button is available only for tickets generated by Endpoint Manager. |
- Click 'Download Remote Control by ITarian' under 'Step 1'
Download RC from Comodo Dragon Console
- Login to your Comodo Dragon account and click 'Tools' at the top
- The 'Tools' interface displays a list of productivity and security tools available for download from CD as tiles
- Click the 'Download' button in the 'Remote Control by ITarian' tile:
- Select
the operating system of your admin machine, click 'Download' and
save the setup file.
Install the application
- Launch the set up file to start the installation wizard:
- You must read and accept the end user license agreement before continuing. After doing so, click 'Install' to start the installation.
- After installation is complete, click 'Launch' to start the application.
Use the Desktop Application for Remote Control
- Once RC is installed, you can take remote control of a Windows endpoint from the 'Ticket Details' interface.
Take remote control of a Windows device
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'My Tickets', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Remote Control' button
Reminder: The 'Remote Control' button is available only for tickets generated by Endpoint Manager. |
- Click 'link' under step 2:
Next, you need to select the application to open the link.
Click 'Open Remote Control by ITarian'.
Note: If a newer version of the application is available, please download it to continue. |
The RC application starts:
- Click the 'ITarian' tab then enter your CD username and password
- The region selector allows you to choose the CD hosted service closest to your location. Select the location nearest to you for the best performance / fastest connection.
- Stay Signed in - The app will not log you out when you close the application. You will not need to provide your password to use the app in future. You will instead directly connect to the endpoint after clicking the link in the Remote Control dialog
- Click
'Sign In'
The application opens with a list of devices added to Endpoint Manager. The endpoint associated with the ticket is pre-selected for remote desktop connection:
Tip: Alternatively, you can launch the RC application from your desktop and select the target endpoint
A request message is shown on the end-user desktop:
- The connection is established once the user clicks 'Allow', or if the does not respond within 30 seconds.
- The following notification appears once the session is active:
- The user can terminate the connection by clicking the 'End session' button.
The 'Remote Control' interface shows the desktop of the remote computer:
- You can now interact with the target device to perform tasks as required.
- The client interface contains the following menus and settings:
![]() |
Full Screen - The remote desktop will cover your entire display, without the operating system's window-framing interface.
![]() |
Position - Click and drag the tool bar to your preferred location. |
![]() |
Pin - Pin or unpin the tool bar to the title bar in full screen view. |
![]() |
Minimize/Maximize - Show/hide tool bar options. |
![]() |
Actions - (Applies to Windows devices only) Send control commands to the endpoint.
View - Change the display size of the remote desktop. The available options are:
Multi-Screen - The multi-screen icon only appears if the target point endpoint has a multi-monitor setup. The drop-down shows all monitors connected to the endpoint and allows you to choose which to view. ![]()
Help - Shows the 'About Remote Control by ITarian' dialog which shows version number and copyright information. |
Staff can add consumables, expenses and services to a ticket, and set the billable cost of these items.
- Materials and expenses added to a ticket need to be approved by an administrator. Only then will they be charged to the customer.
- The 'Material Details' pane in the 'Ticket Details' interface shows all existing materials on the ticket.
Add materials to a ticket
- Click 'Staff Panel' > 'Tickets'
- Open the ticket to which you want to add materials
- Click the 'Add Material' button at the top of the details interface:
The add dialog lets you add new materials and lists any materials that are already on the ticket.
- Start typing the name of the new material in the search box.
- Ask your administrator if you don't know the name of the material. They are listed in 'Admin Panel' > 'Manage' > 'Materials'.
- Select the material from the options that appear in the drop-down:
- Enter the quantity and price-per-unit in the respective fields. The total cost will be calculated for you:
‘Service’ type materials only allow you to specify the price. You should add another instance of the material if you want to increase the quantity:
Prices are charged in your account's default currency.
- Repeat the process to add more items
- Click 'Save' to add the list of items to the ticket
- Staff can view all materials on a ticket by expanding the 'Material Details' pane in the 'Ticket Details' screen:
New items will have an approval status of 'Awaiting'.
- Admins can approve or reject expense items by going to 'Admin Panel' > 'Staff' > 'Material Approval'.
- See the online help page 'Material Approval' in the admin guide if you need more help with this.
Add new items, edit prices or remove items from a ticket
- Open a ticket's details by clicking it's number in the 'Tickets' interface
- Click
the the 'Add Material' button
The 'Add/Edit Materials' dialog will open. Any materials which have already been added will be listed in the dialog:
- Start typing the name of an item in the search dialog. Select the item you wish to add from the options that appear in the drop-down
- Edit the figures in the 'Cost' field to
change the cost of the item
- Click the 'Delete' button to remove an item
- Click 'Save' for your changes to take effect.
Create a Schedule for the Ticket
A task schedule allows you to pick a time-slot in the future to start a ticket. For example, you could create a schedule for task that involves an on-site visit.
- The schedule will be added to your calendar.
- You can view your calendar from the 'My Calendar' interface ('Staff Panel' > 'Calendars'). See Manage Calendars if you need more help with calendars.
- You
can re-schedule a ticket at anytime. Your calendar will be updated
according to the new schedule.
Tip: You can also create a schedule for a ticket without opening it. See Schedule a Ticket in Manage Tickets for more details. |
To create a schedule for the ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Scroll down to the actions pane
- Click
the 'Schedule' button
Your calendar will open with the ticket details shown on the title bar:
- The current week will be displayed by default. You can view the current week or day by clicking the respective button above the calendar.
- To move to next week/day, use the '>' buttons on the top
- Double-click on the time-slot which you wish to schedule for the ticket
- Enter a short description of the task.
- Click the tick mark
to save the schedule
The schedule will be displayed at the top of the 'Ticket Details' screen. You can reschedule or delete the schedule at any time.

The appointment will also be added to
the calendar. You can view your calendar from the 'My Calendar'
interface ('Staff Panel' > 'Calendars'). See Manage
Calendars for more details.
To change the schedule for a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Scheduled', 'Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the scheduled ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Scheduled Time' box and select 'Reschedule' from the drop-down
The 'Appointment Edit' dialog will open.
- Description – Task details as entered when creating the appointment. Edit the description as required.
- Tickets – Lists all tickets associated with the appointment. Click the 'X' button at the right to remove the ticket if required.
- Shared - Select whether the appointment should be added to the shared calendar. See Manage Calendars for more details on shared calendar entries.
- The start and end time of the existing schedule period are shown in the time boxes. You can edit these as required.
- Select 'Full Day' if the appointment should take all slots in your working day.
- Click 'Save' to save your changes.
Your calendar will be updated with the new schedule/appointment.
To remove a schedule
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Scheduled', 'Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the scheduled ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Scheduled Time' box and select 'Reschedule' from the drop-down
- Click 'OK' in the confirmation dialog
The schedule will be removed and your calendar will be updated accordingly.
Create a Knowledge Base article from a ticket
- The 'Knowledgebase' is a repository of support articles, FAQs and useful information intended to assist end-users with answers to common issues.
- It allows users to identify and solve common issues by themselves without needing to create a support ticket.
- Apart from providing a better service to your users, knowledgebase items can also reduce staff workload.
To add a knowledgebase article from a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click 'More' then 'Create KB Entry' from the options.
The FAQ screen will appear. This screen allows staff to select the category under which the FAQ will be placed. You can also specify articles which are related to the FAQ, and choose to make the FAQ 'Public' or 'Internal'. See FAQ for more details.
Change the ticket owner
Staff can change the user to whom the ticket belongs from the ticket details interface.
Change the ticket owner
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'More' button and choose 'Change Ticket Owner'.
Tip: Alternatively, click 'Edit' then 'Change' beside the user name from the 'Update Ticket' screen. |
The 'Change user for ticket' dialog will open:
You can change the user in two ways:
- Enter the user name or email address of an existing user in the search field. Select the user from the suggestions that appear and click 'Continue'.
- Create a new user by clicking the 'Add New User' button and complete the user details form.
- Click 'Add User' to change the ticket owner.
Tip: New users will be added as a guest users.
Unassigned tickets can be claimed in two ways:
- Unassigned tickets will be automatically assigned to the first staff member who replies if 'Claim on Response' is enabled by the administrator in the 'Ticket Settings' screen of the admin panel. See the online help page for Ticket Settings and Options in the admin guide.
- Staff can manually assign tickets to themselves by clicking the 'Claim' button in the ticket details screen.
Claim a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Claim' button
- Click 'Yes' in the confirmation screen to claim the ticket.
Manage forms for a ticket
- Staff can add custom forms to a ticket to request more details about the issue.
- Once added, the form can be completed by a staff member in the ticket edit screen, or by the user in the web portal.
Manage the forms for a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'More' button and choose 'Manage Forms'.

The 'Manage Forms' screen will open:
- Select the form you want to add from the drop-down.
- Forms can be added by admins in 'Admin Panel' > 'Manage' > 'Forms' > 'Add Custom Form.' See the online help page for Forms in the admin guide for more details.

- Click the 'Save Changes' button.
The staff member can view and complete the form in the edit screen. It will also be visible to the user in the web portal.
- To remove a form from a ticket, click the 'Manage Form' button then click the trash can icon beside the form.
- Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom.
Block email ID of a user
Service Desk allows staff to ban users so they will no longer be able to create support tickets. Users can be blocked from the details screen of tickets that they have created.
Block a user
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'More' drop-down at the top right and choose 'Ban Email'.
- Click 'Yes' in the confirmation dialog to ban the user.
Print a Ticket
Ticket print-outs contain all ticket activity as well as the time spent on the issue.
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click 'More' then 'Print' from the options.
The options to print the ticket with or without internal notes will be displayed:
- Print Notes: Select if internal notes and comments should be included in the print
- Paper Size: Select the size and click the 'Print' button.
A PDF of the selected ticket will be generated and displayed:
- Save the file for your future reference and/or print the ticket from the pdf file.
Edit a ticket
Basic ticket details can be updated at anytime from the 'Ticket Details' interface.
Edit a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Edit' button
The 'Update Ticket' screen will appear:
User Information
Details about the user who submitted the ticket, or on whose behalf the ticket was submitted. This user is also known as the 'Owner' of the ticket. You change the ticket owner from this area.
- User: The name of the ticket owner and their email address
- Click the 'Change' button to specify a different owner. You can change the user by:
- Entering the user name or email of an existing user in the search field. Select from the suggestions that appear.
- Creating a new user. Click the 'Add New User' button and complete the user details form.
Tip: New users will be added as a guest users.
Ticket Information
Ticket information in this section is fetched automatically from the system. You can change these details as required.
- Ticket Source: The channel through which the ticket was created. Change the source if required.
- Category: The help topic under which this ticket falls. You can change the ticket category if required.
- Department: The department to which the ticket is currently assigned. You will need to change the department if the ticket needs to be assigned to a staff member in a different department.
- Choose the new department from the drop-down
Tip: You can also change the department to which a ticket is assigned from the 'Actions' pane of the 'Ticket Details' interface. See Change the department or more details. |
- SLA Plan: The service level plan associated with the ticket. This depends on the settings in Ticket Filters, Ticket Category, Department or the default SLA settings. You can also manually change the SLA plan if required.
- Choose the new SLA plan from the drop-down.
- Time Spent: The total time spent so far on the ticket.
- Due Date: Allows you to change the due date and time of the ticket. This overrides the period defined in the SLA plan assigned to the ticket.
Ticket Details
Ticket details area shows the basic details of the ticket, entered when creating it. It contains both the default fields and custom form fields depending on the settings. See 'Manage Forms for the ticket' for more details.
- Issue Summary: The description that was entered when the ticket was created.
- Priority Level: Ticket priority is set by Ticket Filters, Ticket Category, Department or default priority settings. You can manually change the priority, if required.
- Choose the new priority level for the ticket from the drop-down.
- Asset Type: The category of asset that was selected when the ticket was created.
- Change the asset type using the drop-down if required.
- Ticket Type: The type of category selected while creating the ticket. The options available are 'Alert', 'Order' and 'Problem'.
- Change the type using the drop-down, if required.
- Ticket Type Sub Category: Specific issue type as chosen by the person who created the ticket. For example, 'Overheating' may be a sub-category of 'Problem'.
- Change the sub-category, if required.
Internal Note
The 'Internal Note' area lets you enter a reason for updating ticket details.
- Click the 'Save' button to update the ticket
Staff members can close tickets if all tasks are complete. All billable time will be assigned to the customer. If required, staff members can reopen closed tickets.
You can close a ticket in two ways:
Manually – Click the 'Close' button at the top of the interface. See the explanation given below.
Close a ticket after sending a reply. See Post a reply for more details.
- Open the 'Ticket Details' screen of the ticket, if it is not already opened
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Close' button
Re-open a closed ticket:
- Enter the reason and click 'Close'
The 'Reopen Ticket' screen will be displayed:
- Click 'Staff Panel' > 'Tickets' > 'Closed'
- Click the ticket number to open the ticket details interface.
- Click 'Reopen'
Staff members can now resume work on the ticket.
- Enter a reason for reopening then click the 'Reopen' button.
You can delete a ticket as follows:
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to remove
- Click the 'Delete' button from the ticket details interface
Click 'Yes' in the confirmation screen.
Pause and resume a Ticket
Tickets can be paused and resumed by staff. Paused tickets can only be resumed by the same staff member or by an administrator.
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Ticket Actions' stripe to open the 'Ticket Options' pane, if not already opened.
The time spent counter shows the time spent during the current support session.
- Click the 'Pause' or 'Resume' button depending on the ticket status.
The respective internal note screen will be displayed.
Click the Pause button after entering the reason.

- Click
the Resume button after entering the reason.
- Click the 'Ticket Information' stripe to open/close the 'Ticket Information' pane
- The 'Ticket Information' pane shows the user who raised the ticket along with ticket status, assigned staff member, due date, billable time, materials and more.
- The number of fields that are displayed depends on the 'Forms' added to the ticket by the administrator. See the online help page 'Forms' in the admin guide for more details. The screenshot below shows a ticket with default fields:
- Priority: The criticality of the ticket. Priority can be inherited from the ticket category or department, or set manually during ticket creation. Staff can also change the priority of the ticket while it is in progress.
- See Edit a ticket for more details.
- Department: The name of the department to which the ticket is assigned. Staff can change the department as required and can assign it to a different staff member in the new department. See Edit a ticket for more details.
- Create Date: The date and time at which the ticket was submitted.
- User: The name of the user who created the ticket, or on whose behalf the ticket was created by an agent.
- Tickets automatically submitted by an endpoint-agent will have the name of user for whom the device is enrolled
- The number beside the user name shows the quantity of tickets raised by the user/on behalf of the user.
- Click the number beside a user's name to view and manage the tickets associated with the user and manage the user and the customer company to which he/she belongs. See 'Manage Users' and 'Manage Customers' for more details.
- Email: The email address of the user who created the ticket, or on whose behalf the ticket was created by an agent. Tickets automatically submitted by an endpoint-agent will have the email address of the user for whom the device is enrolled.
- Customer: The company to which the user belongs.
- Phone: The contact number of the user.
- Device Name - The label assigned to the device. The device name is shown only for tickets submitted by the EM console.
- Click the device name to view the 'Device Summary' interface for the device in Endpoint Manager.
- The 'Device Summary' interface contains general device information, including operating system details, hardware details, last activity, Comodo Client – Security (CCS) configuration, resource usage and more.
See http://help.comodo.com/topic-399-1-786-10175-View-Summary-Information.html for more details of the information contained in this interface.
- Source: The channel through which the ticket was created.
- Assigned To: The name of the staff member to whom the ticket is currently assigned. You can re-assign the ticket to a different staff member/agent from the 'Actions' area. See the explanation under Reassign Ticket for more details.
- SLA Plan: The service level plan associated with the ticket. The SLA can be inherited from the ticket category or the department. Staff can change the SLA if required while working on a ticket. See Edit a ticket for more details.
- Due Date: The date and time before which the ticket should be closed. The due date will be auto-generated based on the SLA plan and the department, or manually set by an agent during ticket creation. You can change the due date by editing the ticket. Refer to the explanation under Edit a ticket for more details.
- Category: The ticket category that was selected by the user when creating the ticket.
- Last Message: The date and time at which the most recent reply was received from the user.
- Last Response: The date and time of the most recent reply was sent or a note was posted by a staff member.
- First Reply: Date and time at which the first response was sent to the user by a staff member.
- Last Update: The date and time at which the ticket was most recently updated.
- Asset Type: The type of item which the ticket concerns. For example, 'Workstation', 'Printer', 'Server' etc. The asset type can be chosen when creating the ticket. This helps to determine the billing rate.
- Ticket Type: The broad class of issue as chosen by the user or staff member who created the ticket. The options available are 'Alert', 'Order' and 'Problem'.
- Ticket Type Sub-Category: Specific issue type as chosen by the person who created the ticket. For example, 'Overheating' may be a sub-category of 'Problem'.
- Resolution: A description of the fix/solution. Alternatively, this may contain a description of the steps taken so far, and those that remain, in order to bring about a fix. This is set by the staff member attending to the ticket.
- Click the 'Ticket Workflow' stripe to open/close the 'Ticket Workflow' pane
The 'Ticket Workflow' pane appears only for multi-stage tickets. It shows all stages added to the ticket based on the ticket category.
- Specific departments and staff members can be assigned responsibility of each stage.
- Once a staff member has completed their stage, the ticket will be assigned to the next department/staff member.
- This process will continue till the final stage is completed and closed.
- A ticket can be moved to the previous stage by clicking 'Revert stage'.
- An alert email is sent to the admin/staff and the user whenever a ticket is transferred from one stage to other, if configured in the respective ticket category.
- See Ticket Process Options in Ticket Categories in the Service Desk admin guide for more details.
- Click the 'Ticket Actions' stripe to open/close the 'Ticket Actions' pane
The 'Ticket Actions' pane allows staff to post replies, claim a ticket, assign/re-assign a ticket, add materials, pause/resume a ticket and more.

Click the 'Post Reply' tab
- From: The email address used to send the reply to the user. The 'Customers' interface allows you to set default 'From' addresses for each customer. See Manage Customer Details in Manage Customers for more details. If required, you can choose a different email address from the drop-down too.
- To: The recipient's email address. Alternatively, select the option 'Do Not Email Reply'. The user can view the response only in the web portal if the latter is selected.
- Click the Add CC link to add more recipients.
- Collaborators: Add people who also worked on the ticket as additional recipients.
Note: Collaborators can also be configured in an customer's 'Settings' tab:
See Manage Customer Details in Manage Customers for more details. |
- Click the 'Recipients' link to view and manage the list of collaborators added to the ticket
- To enable or disable a recipient in the list, select/deselect the checkbox at the left of the user name
- To remove a recipient from the list, click the trashcan icon at the right of the user name
- To add a new collaborator to the list for the ticket, click 'Add New Collaborator'

The 'Add a collaborator' dialog allows you to add a user in two ways:
- Enter the name or email ID of a user in the search field. Select the user from the suggestions that appear and click 'Continue'.
- Create a new user by filling the form and click the 'Add User' button.
Tip: If you are adding a new user, he/she will be added as a guest user. You can assign the user to an organization in the 'User Directory' interface:
- Repeat the process to add more collaborators
- Click 'Save Changes' in the 'Ticket Collaborators' dialog for your changes to take effect.
- Response: You can respond to the ticket by typing a reply in the text editor or by selecting an option from the drop-down.
- Original Message: The last message sent by the user.
- Last Message: The first message sent by the user.
- Canned Responses: Select a canned response to be sent to the user. 'Canned Responses' can be added and edited in the knowledgebase section ('Staff Panel' > 'Knowledgebase' > 'Canned Responses'). See 'Canned Response' for more details.
- To clear the response from the editor, click the trash can icon at the top right side.
- Attachments: Click the 'Browse' button to add attachments to the response. To remove the attachment, click the file and select 'OK' in the confirmation screen.
- Time Spent: The timer shows the time spent on the current service session
- To add the time spent on the current session as billable work time, select the 'Billable' checkbox
- Service Type: Choose the kind of service offered during the current service session from the drop-down. The charges for the current session will be calculated based on the time spent, asset type mentioned in the ticket and the service contract associated with the customer company.
- Signature:
- None - Means you can either send with no signature OR type a custom signature in the editor.
- 'My Signature' and 'Dept. Signature' can be created in the 'Staff Members' and 'Department' areas respectively.
- Ticket Status: Select 'Close on reply' if your response will complete all possible work on the ticket. The ticket will be automatically closed when the response is sent to the user.
- Click the 'Post Reply' button to respond to the ticket.
- Click the 'Reset' button to clear the selections and entries.
- Resolution: Select 'Set Reply as Resolution', if you want to add the message entered in the 'Response' field as the description of fix/solution for the issue.
- The resolution field of a ticket indicates its current place in your workflow. It is a communication of ticket progress rather than a definitive ticket status like 'Closed', 'Open' etc. This option means your note will also become the ticket's current resolution status.
- Example. A resolution status of 'Resolved' means a fix has been implemented and is ready for testing. A ticket status of 'Closed' means the resolution has been verified and no further work is required on the ticket.
- Click the 'Post Reply' button to respond to the ticket.
- Click the 'Reset' button to clear the selections and entries.
- Note Title: Enter a short summary for the note.
- Note Details: Enter any comments, notes, reminder or reason for pausing the ticket in the in the text editor
- Attachments: Click the 'Choose File' button to add attachments to the note. To remove the attachment, click on the file and select 'OK' at the confirmation screen.
- Time Spent: The timer shows the time spent on the current service session
- To add the time spent on the current session as billable work time, select the 'Billable' checkbox
- Service Type: Choose the kind of service offered during the current service session from the drop-down. The charges for the current session will be calculated based on the time spent, asset type mentioned in the ticket and the service contract associated with the customer company.
- Ticket Status: To change the status of the ticket, select from the options. The options change depending on the current status of the ticket. For example, for an open ticket, the options are 'Unchanged', 'Close the ticket' and 'Mark As Unanswered'.
- Resolution: Select 'Set Reply as Resolution', if you want to add the message entered in the 'Response' field as the description of fix/solution for the issue.
- The resolution field of a ticket indicates its current place in your workflow. It is a communication of ticket progress rather than a definitive ticket status like 'Closed', 'Open' etc. This option means your note will also become the ticket's current resolution status.
- Example. A resolution status of 'Resolved' means a fix has been implemented and is ready for testing. A ticket status of 'Closed' means the resolution has been verified and no further work is required on the ticket.
- Click the 'Post Note' button. The note will be saved, the work time will be added to the ticket and the status of the ticket will be changed as chosen from the 'Ticket Status' drop-down.
- A ticket will be automatically assigned to a department depending on the help category chosen by the user when creating it.
- You can change the department if required.
Change the department for a ticket
- Click the 'Dept. Transfer' tab in the 'Ticket Actions' pane to assign the ticket to another department. Note - department transfer is not available for 'Paused and 'Overdue' tickets.
- Department: Select the department to which you want to reassign the ticket
- Comments: Enter any notes or reasons for changing the department.
- Click the 'Transfer' button to assign the ticket to a different department.
- Click the 'Reset' button to clear the selection and comments.
- Tickets that are already assigned to a staff member can be re-assigned to a different staff member.
Tip: You can assign individual or multiple tickets at once without opening the ticket(s). See Assign Tickets to a Staff Member in Manage Tickets for more details. |
To assign/reassign a ticket
- Click the 'Assign Ticket' / 'Reassign Ticket' tab in the 'Ticket Actions' pane.
- Assignee: Select the staff member to whom you want to reassign/assign the ticket from the drop-down.
- Comments: Enter any notes or reason for changing the staff member.
- Click the 'Reassign' / 'Assign' button to assign the ticket to a different staff member.
- Click the 'Reset' button to clear the selection and comments.
Create quotes for products/services
- Comodo Quote Manager (CQM) allows you to generate price quotes for products and services (more details at https://help.comodo.com/topic-457-1-988-14371-Introduction-to-Quote-Manager.html.
- CQM quotes can also be initiated from the Service Desk module. After a quote has been initiated in service desk, a draft quote will be automatically created in Comodo Quote Manager.
- Please
- For using this feature, the department to which the currently logged-in staff belongs, should have been enabled for quote generation by an admin, from the 'Admin panel' > 'Staff' > 'Departments' screen. See the online help page Departments of the admin guide for more details.
- The ticket should be assigned to the logged in staff member.
Initiate quotes from Service Desk tickets
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Ensure that the ticket department is enabled to generate quote and the ticket is assigned to you. If not, click 'Claim' to assign the ticket to yourself
- Click the 'Ticket Actions' stripe to open the 'Ticket Actions' pane, if not already opened
- Click the 'Create Quote' tab
- Enter a message in the 'Notes' field for the staff member attending the Quote Manager console.
- Click 'Create'

- Click
the 'Quote#NN' link to view the draft quote in the Quote Manager console:
The 'Ticket Thread' pane contains a log of all actions taken on the ticket. Actions can be messages from the user, replies from staff, reassignments, addition of materials, status updates and more.
View the log of actions for a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Subject:[summary of the ticket] stripe to open the 'Ticket Thread' pane.

- The number beside the 'Ticket Thread' text shows how many actions have been taken on the ticket.
- The 'Ticket Thread' pane contains five actions by default. Click 'Show all threads' at the bottom to view all items.
- The header color of each action lets you easily identify the type of action:
- Yellow = Internal Notes - system events or internal notes
- Blue = Staff Posts - responses from end-users
- Orange = Client Posts - replies from staff to end-users
- Use the check boxes at the top to filter actions by type:
- Click 'Sort by Date' at the top right to sort the entries in ascending or descending chronological order.
- The 'Materials Details' pane shows an itemized list of any components used and expenses incurred when fixing the issue.
- Materials are added by staff members and must be approved by an administrator.
- The total cost of approved items is displayed at the bottom.
- If a material/expense item has been rejected then the reason is also displayed under 'Status'.
View the materials added to a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Material Details' stripe to open the 'Material Details' pane.

- Staff members can add items and their cost by clicking the 'Add Material' button at the top of the ticket. An administrator must approve the item before its cost is added to the ticket.
- See Add Materials to the ticket for more details.
- The 'Time Spent' pane shows the cumulative time expended by all staff on the issue so far. Billable time is shown on a separate row.
- Time spent is automatically recorded when the ticket is open. Staff can also add/edit any 'on-site' time manually.
- Each service session on the ticket is shown as a separate row:
To view and manage time spent on a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Scroll down and expand the 'Time Spent' stripe

Time Spent – Column Descriptions |
Column Header |
Description |
Start |
Date and time the session began. |
End |
Date and time the session finished. |
Time |
Length of the session. |
Service Type |
The kind of service provided during the session. Possible values are:
Staff |
Name of the staff member who provided the support during the session. |
Billable |
Whether or not the customer will be charged for the session. |
Manual |
Whether or not any time was added manually by the staff. For example, to cover time spent during a site visit. |
Action |
Controls for editing and removing a session:
Time spent for each support session is added to the ticket in two ways:
- The 'Time Spent' counter will automatically start when a staff member opens a ticket assigned to them. The counter is shown in the 'Time Spent' field near the bottom of the page:
Staff can pause, resume and reset the timer as required.
- After concluding a session, staff can choose the type of service provided and select whether the time is billable. See Post a reply and Post an internal note for more details.
- The time spent will be automatically added to the ticket.
- Staff assigned to the ticket can manually add time for themselves or for other staff members that have been added to the ticket. This is useful for recording time that was not automatically recorded . For example, time spent during an on-premise visit.
- Staff that are not assigned to the ticket can only add time for themselves.
- The option to manually add time must be enabled by an admin in 'Admin Panel' > 'Settings' > 'Tickets' (Under 'Time Settings'). See the online help page Ticket Settings and Options in the admin guide if you need help with this.
Manually add time to a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'My Tickets', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Click the 'Time Spent' stripe to open the 'Time Spent' pane
- Click the 'Add Work Time' link in the left-corner of the table

The 'Add work time' dialog will appear:
- Staff - Drop-down shows the admin/staff assigned to the ticket and staff added to the ticket. Select the staff member for whom you want to add time.

Note: The staff selection drop-down is only available to staff assigned to or added to the ticket. Time added by other staff members will be automatically included under their own name. |
- Start Time and End Time - Click inside the 'Start Time' and 'End Time' fields and enter the date/time manually, or select the dates from the calendar. Click 'Now' to use the current date/time as the start or end time.

- Click 'Done' in the calendar after selecting the date and time.
- Duration – The field is auto-calculated as the difference between the start time and end times.
- Service Type – Choose the service type offered during the session:
- Specify whether the time is billable by selecting the checkbox
- Enter any comments in the 'Comment' text box. This will be added to ticket activity.
- Click 'Save'.
- You can edit or remove the time spent by clicking respective buttons in the 'Action' column.
- The 'Staff' pane shows agents assigned to the ticket and the time they have spent on it.
- You can also manually add agents that worked on-site and enter their time spent.
- The new agent will be able to access the ticket.
- Once the new agent opens the ticket, their work time will be added to the time spent on the ticket.
To view and manage staff added to a ticket
- Open the 'Staff' panel (see last link on the left)
- Click 'Tickets' then a ticket type ('Open', 'Unassigned', 'Overdue', etc)
- Click the number of the ticket you want to open
- Scroll down and click the 'Staff' stripe.

Staff - Column Descriptions |
Column Header |
Description |
Staff |
The name of the staff member added to the ticket.
Start |
The date and time at which the staff started working on the ticket. |
End |
The date and time at which the staff finished working on the ticket. |
Time Zone |
The time zone followed by the staff. |
Action |
Controls for editing and removing a staff :
To add a new staff to the ticket
- Click
the 'Add Staff' at the top left of the table

The 'Edit Staff' dialog will appear.
- Choose the staff member from the drop-down.
- Start Date: Enter the date and time at which the staff member started working on the issue.
- Hours: Enter the approximate period of time the staff member worked on the issue. This is only a rough indicator which will not be added to the actual time spent on the ticket.
- If required, you can manually add time to the ticket for the staff member as described here.
- Click 'OK'.
The staff
member will be added to the ticket.