Block Insecure Content
You will see this message if the page you are visiting is served over a HTTPS connection, but the page is serving some content from a non-secure, HTTP, source.
If a website is secured using HTTPS then all javascript, plugins and CSS stylesheets used by the page must also be securely delivered. If these other items are not secured then, potentially, hackers could interfere with the website and modify them for unauthorized purposes. If insecure elements are allowed to run then the page cannot be considered as 'HTTPS' secured.
When Comodo Dragon first encounters this issue on an insecure page, it performs these actions:
- Loads only the secure items on the page
- Does not load any insecure items
- Presents the 'This page has insecure items' message bar
This means the page is still HTTPS as it stands because Dragon has only loaded the secure items. However, because the page is not running certain items, it may cause the page to display incorrectly. Clicking 'Don't Load (recommended)' will maintain the situation described above and all data on the page will be secured. You will see this message if the webpage you are visiting a page over an HTTPS connection but the page is attempting to run non-secure elements.
Developers and advanced users can see which scripts have been blocked by clicking the Comodo Dragon menu located at the top-right corner then selecting 'More tools' > 'Developer tools'.