The Dashboard Area
The dashboard contains charts with data about your Secure Email Gateway deployment. You can export any chart to pdf by clicking the download icon in the top-right corner of each panel.
Domain Quota Usage
The number of domains used, and the number remaining on your current license.
Each domain that you set up for spam filtering will take one domain from the pool remaining on your license.
- Place your mouse cursor over any chart sector to view more details.
- Click an item in the legend to add or remove it from the chart.
User Quota Usage
Number of users protected by spam filtering, and the number remaining on your current license.
Each user that you protect with spam filtering will take one user from the pool remaining on your license.
- Place your mouse cursor over any chart sector to view more details.
- Click an item in the legend to add or remove it from the chart.

Archive Quota Usage
The quantity of mail archive space already used for each domain, and the amount remaining on your current license.
- Place your mouse cursor over any chart sector to view more details.
- Click an item in the legend to add or remove it from the chart.

Domain License Expiration
Quantity of domains and domain license expiry dates.
Y axis – Domain count
X axis – Timeline
Green bars – Total number of domains allowed by all unexpired licenses
Yellow line – Actual number of domains active on your account
Out-of-quota – Shown if the actual number of domains is greater than the total allowed by your licenses
Red line – Date when a license is due to expire
Place your mouse cursor over any bar to see when the license is set to expire.

User License Expiration
Quantity of users and license expiry dates.
Y axis – User count
X axis – Timeline
Green bars – Total number of users allowed by all unexpired licenses
Yellow line – Actual number of users active on your account
Out-of-quota – Shown if the actual number of users is greater than the total allowed by your licenses
Red line – Date when a license is due to expire
Place your mouse cursor over any bar to see when the license is set to expire.