Domain Management
Click 'Domains' on the left menu
- The domains area lets you configure domains for spam protection and manage them.
- You can configure policy settings such as email size restrictions, permitted file-extensions for attachments, spam detection settings and many more. See ‘Manage a Domain’ for more details.

Use the following links for more help:
Click the
domain column header to sort domains in alphabetical order
Use filters to search particular domain(s)
- Click
anywhere on the filters stripe to open it:
Some filters have a third box for you to type a search string.
- Click ‘Apply Filter’.
You can filter results by the following parameters:
- Domain: Type a domain name in the text box (column 3) and select a condition in column 2.
- Activated: Filter domains by their validation status
- Aliases: Type an alias domain name in the text box (column 3) and select a condition in column 2.
Click anywhere on the filters tab to close it. Click the 'Refresh' button to remove filters.
You can add
multiple filters to the same search by clicking .
Tip: CSEG can generate reports which summarize all mail activity on a domain. See CSEG Reports - An Overview for more details. |