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Ticket Filters

Click 'Admin Panel' > 'Manage' > 'Ticket Filters'

  • Ticket filters are rules which implement specific actions on tickets if certain criteria are met.
  • Actions include routing tickets to a specific department/admin/staff member, sending an auto-response, closing/rejecting a ticket, changing the ticket owner, and more.
  • Once saved and made active, the filter is applied to all new tickets received by your organization.
  • You can create multiple filters and prioritize them with the 'execution order' setting. Filters with a higher execution order take precedence in the event of a conflict.

Example filters you can create:

  • Identify tickets with device names starting with 'Desktop'. Change the users on those tickets to a specific user. For example, to the network admin.
  • Assign tickets that were auto-created by Endpoint Manager to a particular staff member.

See the following for more help:

Open the ticket filters interface

  • Open the 'Admin Panel' (see the last link on the left)
  • Click 'Manage' > 'Ticket Filters'


  • Name - The label of the ticket filter
  • Status - Whether the filter is enabled or disabled
  • Order - The priority that the filter is executed
  • Rules - The number of rules in the filter
  • Target - The channel over which the ticket is received. You can select ‘Any’, or pick a specific channel like ‘Email’, ‘Web’ or ‘API’
  • Date Added - Date and time the filter was created
  • Last Updated - Date and time the filter was most recently edited

Click on a column header to sort the items in ascending/descending order.

The ticket filters interface lets you:

Create a new filter

  • Open the 'Admin Panel' (See the last link on the left)
  • Click 'Manage' > 'Ticket Filters'
  • Click 'Add New Filter'


The new filter form contains the following sections:

Category information

  • Filter Name: Enter a unique label for the filter. The name should identify the purpose of the filter.
  • Execution Order: The priority of the filter. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
    • Filters are prioritized according to their execution order. If a ticket meets the conditions of multiple filters, and these conditions conflict with each other, then the filter with the higher execution order is implemented.
    • Stop processing further on match! - Service Desk will apply the actions in this filter when it finds a ticket which meets its conditions, then ignore any other filters which match the ticket.
      For example, say you have two filters which state different actions for tickets received from ‘’:

      Filter A - IF user / email address EQUALS ‘’, THEN assign to ‘Maintenance’ dept. Execution order = 1

      Filter B - IF user / email address EQUALS ‘’, THEN send ‘Canned response’. Execution order = 2

      Actions are applied in this order to the tickets received from '':

      1. The ticket is assigned to 'Maintenance' dept

      2. A canned response is sent

      If 'Stop processing further on match!' is enabled in filter A then the ticket is assigned to maintenance, but the canned response is not sent.

      • Filter Status: Select whether you want the filter to be active or inactive by default. You can change the filter status at anytime using the 'Enable'/'Disable' buttons in the ticket filter screen. See Activate / deactivate filters for help with this.
      • Target Channel: The method by which you received the ticket. For example, over email, via the service desk support website, over the phone, or auto-generated by Endpoint Manager. Service Desk will only apply the rule to tickets received over this channel.

      Filter rules

      • Each rule has a search condition and a search criteria.
      • You can add multiple rules to a filter, and choose to apply the filter if all rules are met, or if any one of the rules is met.
      Match All - Applies the filter if every rule is met.

      Match Any - Applies the filter if any single rule is met.

      • Define a search rule in the following format:
      [Search Parameter] [operator] [Search Criteria]
        • First drop-down - Choose the search parameter. For example, you can search for tickets from specific email addresses or domains, or by their priority level or category.
        • Second drop-down – Choose the operator (Equal, Not Equal, Starts With, etc)
        • Third drop-down - Type the search term in the text field. What you type here depends on the search parameter you picked in the first drop-down. For example, it could be an email address, customer name, user, ticket category etc.
        • For example, the rule in the following screenshot will catch all tickets which contain a 'Device Name' that starts with 'DESKTOP':

        • Repeat the process to add more rules to the filter

        Filter actions

        Actions are the processes you want to implement when a ticket meets the conditions of the filter.


        The available actions are:

        • Reject Ticket: The ticket is not accepted and not added to Service Desk. Your support team will not work on it.
        • Reply-To Email: An automatic response is sent to the email address from which the ticket was generated. This applies only if the ticket source is 'Email'.
        • Ticket auto-response: If selected, auto-response mails are disabled. The setting here overrides the auto-response setting of the department to which the ticket is assigned.
        • Canned Response: Automatically send a preset reply to the user.
        • Department: Assign the ticket to a particular department.
        • Priority: Assign a certain priority level to the ticket. The options are Low, Normal, High and Critical.
        • SLA Plan: Apply a preset service level agreement to the ticket.
        • Auto Close: Closes the ticket. The status of the ticket changes to 'Closed' in the 'Tickets' interface.
        • Auto Change User: Set the ticket owner to a specific user. All further correspondence will be with the new user.
        • Auto-assign To: Assign the ticket to a particular staff member or admin.
        • Category: Place the ticket into a certain help topic.

        Admin notes

        • Add any comments you have about the filter.

        Click the 'Add Filter' button at the bottom to save your new filter.

        Activate / Deactivate a filter

        You can enable or disable a filter at anytime from the 'Ticket Filters' interface

        • Open the 'Admin Panel' (See the last link on the left)
        • Click 'Manage' > 'Ticket Filters'
        • Select the filters
        • Use the 'Enable' or 'Disable' links at the top to switch the filter between 'Active' and 'Inactive' states

        • Click 'Yes, Do it!' to confirm your selection

        Edit a filter

        • Open the 'Admin Panel' (See the last link on the left)
        • Click 'Manage' > 'Ticket Filters'
        • Click on a ticket filter name in the list.

        The 'Update Filter' screen lets you edit the filter configuration as required. The update procedure is same as explained above.

        Remove a filter

        • Open the 'Admin Panel' (See the last link on the left)
        • Click 'Manage' > 'Ticket Filters'
        • Select the check box beside the ticket filters that you want to remove
        • Click the 'Delete' link at the top

        • Click 'Yes, Do it!' to confirm removal.