Data Leak Prevention (DLP)
- Click the 'Modules' > 'DLP'.
- Secure Email Gateway is integrated with a DLP (Data Leak Prevention) engine that prevents data theft via emails.
- The engine searches for configured wordsin incoming and outgoing mails and applies actions as per the settings in the profile. Actions include quarantining the mail and / or notifying the administrator.
- The DLP module must be enabled in order to activate the DLP parameters specified in the profile settings.
- See 'Profile Management' section for more details about profile settings.

- Enable DLP: Select the check box to display the 'Incoming Profiles' and 'Outgoing Profiles' check boxes
- Incoming Profiles: Select the check box to apply the DLP profile parameters to incoming mails
- Outgoing Profile: Select the check box to apply the DLP profile parameters for outgoing mails. This option is deselected by default.
- Click 'Save' to apply your changes.