Real Time Scanning
- Click 'Antivirus' > 'Scanner Settings' to open this interface
- The real-time scanner constantly monitors your system for virus activity. The scanner is always ON and checks files when they are created, opened or copied.
- The settings area lets you:
- Enable or disable the real-time scanner
- Enable or disable automatic database updates
- Enable or disable automatic quarantine of threats
- Choose maximum file size which is scanned
- Select how long an alert remains on-screen
Time Scanning level
- Drag the slider to the required level.
- You can choose 'Disabled' (not recommended) or 'On Access'.
- The setting you choose here is also shown on the home screen for easy reference.
- On Access - Files are scanned as soon as you, or any process, interacts with them. Virus protection is always running in the background and threats are detected before they get a chance to run.
- Disabled - Real-time protection is disabled, leaving your system highly vulnerable to infection.
Detection Settings
- Automatically quarantine threats found during scanning - CAV will encrypt discovered threats and move them to a safe holding area known as 'quarantine'. Files in quarantine cannot run and pose no threat to your system. You can review quarantined files and permanently delete or restore them as required (Default = Disabled).
- Automatically update virus database - Comodo Antivirus will check for and download the latest virus database updates on system start-up and at regular intervals(Default = Enabled).
- Do not scan files larger than - Set the maximum size (in MB) that should be scanned by the on-access scanner. Files larger than the size specified here will not be scanned. (Default = 20 MB).
- Keep an alert on the screen for- Set the length of time that alerts should remain visible if the user does not manually dismiss them(Default = 120 seconds).