General Settings
- Automatically check for the program updates - This option determines whether or not Comodo Antivirus should automatically contact Comodo servers for updates. With this option selected, Comodo Antivirus automatically checks for updates every 24 hours AND every time you start your computer. If updates are found, they are automatically downloaded and installed. We recommend that users leave this setting enabled to maintain the highest levels of protection. Users who choose to disable automatic updates can download them manually by clicking 'Check for Updates' in the 'More' section (Default = Enabled).
- Show the balloon messages - These are the notifications that appear in the bottom right hand corner of your screen - just above the tray icons. Usually these messages like 'Comodo Antivirus is learning ' and are generated when these modules are learning the activity of previously unknown components of trusted applications. Clear this check box if you do not want to see these messages (Default = Disabled).