My Profile
The ‘my
profile' interface lets currently logged-in administrator to change
his login password and configure other settings.
You can open
'My profile' interface in two ways:
- Click
the 'Account management' on the left to expand then 'My profile'.

- Alternatively,
click the user name then ‘My Profile' at the top-right.

The ‘my profile’ interface opens:

Note: The interface will vary depending whether you logged in as an admin or account admin. Account admins can change password from their CAM account. |
- Login - The user-name of the currently active user. Administrators can use this to log in to CAM to purchase additional licenses and renew existing licenses.
- CAM email: The email address for the account as registered at Comodo Accounts Manager (CAM).
- System notifications email(s) - Enter the email addresses at which the new administrator should receive CASG notification emails. It can be the same email address as the login name and / or alternative email address(es) of up to a maximum of five. The quarantine requests from users, for blacklisting, whitelisting, or releasing quarantined emails and notifications such as of imports of users, local recipients and users via LDAP from CSV files will be sent to the email addresses specified in this field. See Email Management for more details.
- Number of minutes before my session expires - You can set the idle session timeout period in the box. Enter the period in minutes or increase / decrease the period by clicking the up / down arrow. The valid entry is between 1 minute and 120 minutes.
- Spam trap email (Optional) - If you already have a special 'spam-trap' email address then please enter it here to further improve CASG message filtering.
- Sites (Optional) - Enter the URLs of all websites owned by your company in order to further improve spam filtering.
- Click 'Save' for your changes to take effect.