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Enroll Windows, Mac OS and Linux Devices by Offline Installation of Agent

  • Click ‘Devices’ > ‘Bulk Installation Package’ > ‘Bulk Installation Package’.
  • You can download a custom Windows, MAC or Linux installer for offline installation of the client.
  • You can specify the user to whom the enrolled device is assigned, and the initial configuration profile applied to the device.
  • You must already have added the user of the device to EM. You can only create installation packages for existing users.

Download the installation package

  • Click 'Devices' > 'Bulk Installation Package'
  • Select the 'Bulk Installation Package' tab
  • Download Installer - Download the installation file for your chosen operating system. Once the agent is installed, it establishes communication with the EM server and begins importing devices.
  • Windows - Creates a .msi file if only the communication client is selected. Creates a .exe file if both communication and security client are selected.
  • MAC OS - Creates a .pkg installer file.
  • Linux - Creates a .run file.
  • Download MST File - Windows only. Download a .mst installer that includes proxy server information for client communication with Endpoint Manager. File should be installed by command line.

Bulk Installation Package - Form Parameters




 Specify the user to whom the target endpoints should be assigned. By default, this is the currently logged in user. You can always can this later if required.

  • Start typing the name of a user and choose from the suggestions that appear.


    Choose the company to which the endpoints should be assigned.

    • This field only applies to CD MSP and C1 MSP customers. It does not apply to CD Enterprise, C1 Enterprise or EM stand-alone customers.

    Device Group

    The device group to which the enrolled devices should be added (optional).

    Any group profiles will also be applied to the devices you add.

    See Assign Configuration Profiles to a Device Group for more details.

    Package Options

     Operating system

    Choose the target OS and package type you want. The options are:


    • Windows X64 – For 64-bit Windows OS
    • Windows X86 – For 32-bit Windows OS
    • Windows X86 & X64 (hybrid package) – Suitable for both 64-bit and 32-bit Window OS. Select if your network has a mixture of 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

    Mac OS (Recommended)

    • Installs both the communication client and the configuration profile on the Mac device.
    • Choose this option if you want to use Endpoint Manager for both MAC security (antivirus etc) AND for general MAC management.
    • If you select this option, you must install an Apple Push Notification (APN) certificate on your portal to communicate with the devices.
    • Apple only allow one portal to control a MAC device via APN. If you want to use a different portal to manage WIFI, VPN, device permissions etc, then choose ‘MAC OS without MDM Profile’ instead.

    Mac OS without MDM Profile

    • Installs just the communication client on the Mac device.
    • Choose this option if you only want to use Endpoint Manager for security on Mac devices.
    • This option lets you continue to use a different portal for general MAC management while using Endpoint Manager to manage security.
    • This option means you cannot use Endpoint Manager to manage the following profile items:
    • Certificates
    • Restrictions
    • VPN
    • Wi-Fi
    • To help you make a decision, you can see what is included the items above by checking the ‘Profiles’ area.
    • Click ‘Configuration Templates’ > ‘Profiles’ > open a MAC profile OR create a new MAC profile > ‘Add Profile Section’
    • Add, for example, a ‘Restrictions’ section to see what is covered.


    • Ubuntu / Debian (Hybrid Package) – Suitable for both 64-bit and 32-bit
    • RHEL / CentOS (Hybrid Package) – Suitable for both 64-bit and 32-bit


    Communication Client (CC) - Mandatory. This client enrolls the endpoint and handles communication between the endpoint and endpoint manager.

    Comodo Client Security (CCS) - Optional. This client installs the security software, including antivirus, firewall and auto-containment.

    Additional Options (Windows only)

    Database - Choose whether to include the latest virus database with the installer. This increases file size. If disabled, the client will download the latest database anyway when you run the first scan.

    Profile - Choose a configuration profile for the endpoints (optional).

    • Type the first few characters of a profile and choose from the suggestions that appear.


    Select the configuration profile you want to apply to the target devices.

    • If you do not choose a profile then the default OS profile is applied.
    • Click ‘Configuration Templates’ > ‘Profiles’ to view and configure endpoint profiles. You can review the default OS profiles in here.
    • Tip: You can always add or remove profiles later. The default OS profile will implement good, baseline settings for security and usability.


    Restart Control Options (For Windows only)

    CCS only. Endpoints need to be restarted to complete CCS installation. You have the following restart options:

    • Force the reboot in... - Restart the endpoint a certain length of time after installation. Select the delay period from the drop-down. A warning message will be shown to the user prior to the restart.
    • Suppress reboot - Endpoint is not auto-restarted. The installation will be finalized when the user next restarts the endpoint.

    Optional. Type a custom message in the 'Reboot Message' field.

    • Warn about reboot and let users postpone it - Shows a message to the user which tells them that the endpoint needs to be restarted. The user can choose when the restart happens.

    UI Options (For Windows only)

    Configure which messages are shown to the user regarding the installation.

    • Show error messages if installation failed - Notifies the user if the installation is not successful.
    • Show a confirmation message upon completion of installation - Notifies the user if the installation is successful. Type your message in the box provided.

    Proxy Settings (For Windows only)

     Specify a proxy server through which the clients should connect to Endpoint Manager and other Comodo servers. If you do not set a proxy then the clients will connect directly as per network settings.

    • Enter the IP address/hostname of the proxy server and port in the respective fields.
    • Enter the user-name and password of an administrative account on the proxy server in the Proxy Login and Proxy Password fields

    Note: If you specify a proxy here then you must also configure the same proxy settings in the profile on the device:

    • Click ‘Configuration Templates’ > ‘Profiles’ > open the device profile > ‘Add Profile Section’ > ‘Clients Proxy’