Manage Virus Database and Program Updates
In order to guarantee continued and effective antivirus protection, it is imperative that your virus databases are updated as regularly as possible. Updates can be downloaded to your system manually or automatically from Comodo's update servers.
To manually check for the latest virus and program updates
1. Switch to the 'Tasks' screen and click 'General Tasks' to open the 'General Tasks' interface.
2. Click 'Update'. The application will start checking for program and database updates
The application will check for program and database updates from Comodo Servers.

If the updates are available, they will be downloaded.
Note: You must be connected to Internet to download the updates. |
If any program updates are available, they will be downloaded and a confirmation dialog will be displayed before downloading them.

The virus signature database will be updated on completion.

If any program updates are
available, they will be downloaded and a confirmation dialog will be
displayed before installing them.
- Click Yes to install the updates and keep your CCS installation up-to-date.

Automatic Updates
default, Comodo Antivirus automatically checks for and downloads
database updates. You can modify these settings in Advanced Settings > General Settings > Updates.

You can configure Comodo Antivirus to download updates automatically before any on-demand scan. Refer to Scan Profiles for more details.