Manage Admins
To open this area:
- Click 'User Management' > 'Users' on the left-menu
- Click the 'Administrative Users' tab:

Administrative Users – Table of Column Descriptions |
Column Header |
Description |
Username |
The admin name. |
Group |
The name of the group to which the administrator belongs. See 'Manage Groups' for more details. |
Action |
Delete the admin. Administrators with appropriate privileges can delete other admins by clicking this icon. Please note, admins that are currently logged in cannot delete themselves. |
Administrators with appropriate privileges can edit other admins' details. See 'Edit an Administrator' for more details. |
Status |
Indicates whether the admin is in enabled or disabled status. Disabled admins cannot log into the web console. See 'Enabling/Disabling Administrators' for more details. |
From the this interface an
appropriately privileged administrator can:
- Click the 'Add User' link
The 'Add New User' screen will be
- Username: Enter the username to access the console
- Authentication Type: Two options are available – Local DB and LDAP AD
- Local DB: Authentication of the user will be done using the local database
- LDAP AD: Authentication of the user will be done using LDAP
- Password: Enter the password to access the console and confirm it in the next field.
- Name: The first name of the administrative user
- Surname: The surname of the user
- E-mail: Enter the email address of the administrative user
- Group: Select the group to which the admin user should be added. See 'Manage Groups' for more details.
- Click the 'Save' button to add the new admin user.
To delete an administrative user
- Click the
icon beside the user that you want to delete
- Click 'OK' to confirm the deletion.
To edit an administrative user
Click the
icon beside the user that you want to edit
The 'Edit User' screen will be displayed:
- Edit the details as required. The screen is similar to the 'Add New User' section. See 'Add an administrative user' for more details.
- Click the 'Save' button.
The changes will be saved and a confirmation note will be displayed.
To enable/disable an administrative user
The icon under the 'Status' column
indicates whether the 'Administrator User' is enabled or disabled.
Indicates the user is disabled and cannot login to the web console. |
Indicates the user is enabled and can access
the web console. |
- Click the icon to toggle between enabled and disabled statuses.
- Click 'OK' in the confirmation dialog.