Comodo IceDragon
Version 65.0
Download, Install and Configure Add-ons
- Click
the hamburger button at top-right
- Select
'Add-ons' to open the 'Get Add-ons' screen
- Click
'Find more add-ons' at the bottom of the page to visit the Mozilla
add-ons page.
- Click
'See more add-ons!' at the bottom of the page to visit the Mozilla
add-ons page.
- You
can search for a particular add-on or browse through the add-on
- Each
add-on comes with a brief description and you can also read reviews
and comments from fellow users.

- Once
you have chosen your add-on, click 'Add to Firefox' then
click 'Add' at the prompt. All Firefox extensions are compatible to IceDragon.
- The
add-on will be downloaded and a notification of the successful
installation will be displayed.
- Some
add-ons may require your browser to be
restarted for the installation to take effect. If it prompts you,
click 'Restart Now'.