Create and Manage COM Groups
Click 'Settings' > 'System Templates' > 'COM Variables'
Xcitium Enterprise ships with a set of predefined COM Groups that are available for use in configuration profiles, for example to add a COM group to the 'Protected Objects' list in the HIPS settings of a Windows profile. If required, You administrators can add new COM Groups, edit and manage them.
The 'COM Variables' tab in the 'System Templates' interface lets you view and manage pre-defined and custom COM groups.
The groups added to this interface will be available for selection while configuring Windows profiles from the 'Profiles' interface.
Open the 'COM Groups' interface
Click 'Settings' > 'System Templates'
Click the 'COM Variables' tab
The list of pre-defined and user-defined COM groups will be displayed. The default groups are indicated by 'Default' at their right and cannot be edited or deleted.
Click the 'COM Groups' column header to sort the items in ascending/descending order of the names of the groups.
To filter or search for a specific COM group, click the search icon at the top right and enter the name of the group on part or full
Add a new COM group
Enter the name of the new COM group and click the '+ ' button:
The new group is added to the list. The next step is to add COM classes to the group.
Click the '+' at the left of the group name
Enter the COM classes to be added to the group, in the 'New COM Component' field and click 'Add'
The COM class is added to the group.
Repeat the process to add more COM classes to the group.
Once a COM group is added, it will be available for selection while configuring a Windows Profile, for example in the 'HIPS' > 'Protected Objects' > 'Groups List' interface.
Click the pencil icon beside the class name to edit a class in the group
Edit the entry and click 'OK' to save your changes
Click the trash can icon beside the COM component name to remove the COM class added by mistake or an unwanted class
Edit the name of a COM Group
Click the pencil icon beside the COM Group
Enter the new name for the group in the Rename COM Group dialog and click 'OK'
Remove a COM Group
Click the Trash can icon beside the COM Group